
click pictures to move around!!

white, lesbian, genderfluid, transmasc, audhd, minor
.   . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
satanist, witch, anarchist and comrade

i tweet movie gore and nsfw jokes but i try to tag them as such. if you have anything u need me to tag lmk. i dont support problematic actions of people i like. if im supporting a shitty person whether its a celeb or someone i follow please lmk. i also tweet in all caps and curse a lot and kms/kys/die jokes. i say fag and dyke a lot. if ur uncomfy w pet names lmk. also if i do anything that makes u uncomfortable please just lmk :)
transphobes, homophobes, racists, basic dni criteria, zionists, proshippers, ng and ms stans, j*hnny d*pp supporters, terfs, jk rowling supporters, “reclaim” the r word, weird swifties, dream stans, think the doctor is a man (/srs), hate my favs/comforts, dont support neopronouns and xenogenders, say you like the tenth doctor more than me or are her (CURRENT MOOTS OKAY)

interests/favs :)doctor who, movies, horror, david tennant, shakespeare, hamlet, jackass & johnny knoxville, exploitation cinema, phantom of the opera

key: hyperfix, spin

<3 directors
gregg araki, rob zombie, john waters, quentin tarantino, dario argento, robert rodriguez

comfort characters/media <3tenrose!!, tenth doctor xx, campbell bain, ginger snaps (2000), black xmas (2006), the craft (1996), carrie white, fast times at ridgemont high, much ado about nothing, clue the movie, hamlet, 10tihay, phantom of the opera

kins??!?frfr me in the flesh /srs
campbell bain
brigitte fitzgerald
pj waters
donna noble
signor benedick
carrie white
amanda young
ted logan
lady bird
less srs just some similar vibes
mike waters
ted the bellhop
bonnie harper
randy meeks
donnie darko
clarence worley
the dude

names are links!!

for the record i dont take this too seriously so idc ab doubles or anything like that* but i do feel that these characters are very similar to me and if you dont like the characters or make fun of our similar traits it is upsetting

* doesnt apply to the tenth doctor, check dni for more info

pronounsi prefer he/they and only she/her if its in a tenth doctor way. if that makes no sense just use he/they but if you get it you get it
+p much any neopronouns